PureTech 180 - How fast does the engine oil turn black?

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Joined: Thu Apr 04, 2024 7:15 am

Post by zakazak »

Hi guys,

I recently got my oil changed but was worried because after just 60km it already smelled a lot like petrol and was also dark black in color.
I did an oil analysis from fresh oil and from my engine and both oils were basically identical - which is a good thing!

How ever, from my second car (which is only driven during the summer) I am used to used oil which looks very much like new (transparent / light brown) at every oil change.
I know that diesel engines will always have black oil but I never heard that from petrol engines.

So I just want to make sure I am not the only one who has very quickly, very dark/black engine oil?

Engine has 40.000km and got the oil changed 5 times so far.


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