I've just changed the battery in my keyless key fob. I've held the fob up to the left hand side of the steering column and I can switch on the ignition and start the engine. When switching off the engine no key is detected so I have to long press the stop/start button. The engine can only be started if I hold the fob against the left side of the steering column. The key won't lock or unlock the doors either. Am I missing something? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I am completely fed up of fighting on with this car.
Is the battery in up the right way.
If it is you may have to reintroduce the fob to the car.
To do this, hold the fob against the column and press the lock or unlock button for 10 seconds.
Thank you very much for your reply. I've checked the battery and it is in the right way. BUT..... I hadn't removed the little sticker on the back of the battery!!!!! All (not surprisingly!) is well now. Thank you for your advice!