It's not fitted on the 'Plus' Trim for new 2024 models as mentioned - only keyless starting.
If you don't believe me look at the Aril 2024 brochure.....
As I've said on many occasions trim levels and standard / optional equipment change frequently with regard to marketing and pricing along with the competition. In 3 months, there'll be another brochure and there'll likely have added, taken away or changed equipment or changed trim names again. They do this all the time and I always say - do not rely on a test drive model - always make sure your vehicle has the equipment or options you want at the time of ordering to avoid disappointment.
It works!!!!! Success after weeks of random locking and unlocking. I was quoted hundreds of pounds to fit random modules and sensor door handles but disabling the keyless entry as described has made the false triggering go away. I don't need the touch handle unlocking anyway as it's no hardship to use the key fob.
A very satisfied forum user
C5 Aircross Flair Plus White auto with red inserts. And when chipped returns 50 to 60 mpg